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Prolan - Vöruflokkar

Prolan -Anti-Seize smurfeiti 100 ml.

Ljós brúnt vaxkennt efni sem er einfalt í notkun. Efnið hefur hlotið alþjóðlega viðurkenningu frá NSF sem vottar að smurefnið stenst kröfur sem gerðar eru til smurefna í matvælaiðnaði (Með möguleika á tilfallandi snertingu við matvæli).  Margvíslegt notkunargildi t.d. sem vörn gegn ryðmyndun og tæringu - Smyr hæghreyfandi pinna og fóðringar - Ver málma, plast, gúmmí - Rafmagnsvírar, rofar og tengingar (leiðir ekki upp að 70 kv.)

Anti-Seize Smurfeiti

Ljós brúnt vaxkennt efni sem er einfalt í notkun. Efnið hefur hlotið alþjóðlega viðurkenningu frá NSF sem vottar að smurefnið stenst kröfur sem gerðar eru til smurefna í matvælaiðnaði (Með möguleika á tilfallandi snertingu við matvæli).  Margvíslegt notkunargildi t.d. sem vörn gegn ryðmyndun og tæringu - Smyr hæghreyfandi pinna og fóðringar - Ver málma, plast, gúmmí, rafmagnsvíra, rofa og tengingar (leiðir ekki upp að 70 kv.)

Prolan Medium Grade - Spreybrúsi 500 ml.

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Prolan Medium Grade - 10 Lítrar

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Prolan Heavy Grade 10 Lítrar

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Prolan Heavy Grade - Spreybrúsi 500 ml.

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Prolan Heavy Grade - Enduro 10 Lítrar

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Þessi vara fæst í 500 ml spreybrúsa og 10L brúsa.

(Ítarlegar Upplýsingar á Ensku)


 Almennar Upplýsingar


  • Stops rust forming, even in places you can't reach

  • environmentally friendly

  • Biodegradable

  • Non-Carcinogenic

  • Non-Leaching

  • Non-evaporative

  • Self healing if coating is damaged.

  • Non-conductive to 70kv

  • Versatile -reduces stocks of multiple products and inventory costs.

  • Penetrates into surface rust

  • High capillary action penetrates and lubricates moving parts, grooves and joints, even seized parts.

  • Resists acids and salts

  • Hermetically seals off surfaces

  • Stays On

  • Won't break down rubber and wiring

  • Safe to use in food areas where NSF

  • International food rating is required

  • H1, H2, R2 or NZFSA C12.




  • Used in the widest applications. If you haven't used a lanolin liquid, start here.

  • General workshop lubricant and penetrant i.e. tools, locks, machinery, moving parts.

  • Vehicle Chassis protection to reduce corrosion from salt, mud & debris e.g. ATVs, tractors

  • Rust prevention for tools and machinery.

  • Marine -rust preventative and lubricant for Boat engines, covers, boat trailers showing signs of rust-won't hurt rubbers or wiring.

  • Fishing rods, reels and accessories/wipe on.

  • Products being stored for later reuse e.g. machinery for export, seasonal machinery ( harvesters, mowers)

  • Electrical Equipment e.g. alternators, auto pilots, ignition systems, battery terminals.

  • Stops concrete adhering to surfaces.

  • Dynamic tools for corrosion protection e.g. pruners, secateurs.

  • Aluminium joinery - wipe off excess with a soft rag.

  • Scaffolding clips and stadium seating.

  • Cutting and drilling compound.

Tæknilegar Upplýsingar (Enska)




                          Product Data Sheet


Öryggisblöð (SDS) Íslenska/Danska/Enska


Skoða Öryggisblað /vegna

Prolan Light, Medium og Heavy Grade













Skoða Öryggisblað /vegna

Prolan Spreybrúsa








V/NSF vottunar (Enska)




Notkunarsvið við matvælavinnslu

samkv. NSF. Prolan Medium Grade

*Uppfyllir H1, H2 og R2 sem smurefni í matvælavinnslu*

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